Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to join Fanclub Mail Magazines and get Info E-mails

In addition to mailing small fanclub newsletters to you, as a member of the fanclub you can sign-up for regular E-mail updates. These updates will include things like filming information, when you can call to see if you hit tickets, weather reports, how to apply for tickets, etc.,

Note: to sign up for this you must be a member of that fanclub. You must also use a paid e-mail address (so your keitai/cell/hand phone address is OK)

Go to the Family-club site and chose your fanclub. You will then need to log-in with your information.

The first thing (会員番号) is your eight-digit fanclub number. Since you have already selected which fanclub you are in, there is no need to put the letter in front.  An example number: 00123456

Your password (パスワード) is the last four digits of the phone number you used when you signed up.

Now you will need to go to the "U Page."

Here is what the "U Page" looks like. On this page you may need to scroll down a little to see the entire window.

After you have clicked on the button you will go to the next page.


In the second step they will send an E-mail to that address. If it is on your phone you will need to send it to your computer to enter the info. You will want to click on the link in the E-mail. If it is OK you will see the pages below.

last updated Feb. 11, 2011

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